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Whether you want a full, personalised market appraisal of your home, a second opinion or just a quick estimate we are here to help by providing a free no obligations market valuation of your home. Please fill in the form below and we will contact you to arrange an appointment. 

Alternatively, you can use the instant valuation tool on the right to receive a rough idea of the value of your home right now. We always check these instant valuations and will follow up to share our thoughts once we have done a little research. 

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We are very thankful that the house for us was being presented to the market by Paton and Co. They are the benchmark for any Estate Agency – professional, honest, caring and extremely knowledgeable.

Through some challenging circumstances that could not have been predicted or avoided, Paddy Paton guided both parties through the process with calm assurance, always finding solutions, eliminating any anxiety and keeping the process on track and on time. Transparent communication was critical, and we were always kept up to speed with events as they occurred.

We remain grateful to have bought our house from such a superb company; and I cannot recommend them highly enough.

Ged Kimble

Paton & Co Market Share

We’ve had an unusually busy start to this year at Paton & Co with several properties going under offer this month and five sets of keys handed over to excited homeowners as they begin 2025 in their new homes, we are also preparing a lot of homes to bring to market...

An Evening Of Rugby

We are excited to announce that we have been working with Berwick Rugby Club to host an evening of rugby with Scotland rugby legends Gary Armstrong OBE and Finlay Calder OBE on Tuesday the 18th of February. We are also thrilled to share that the Calcutta Cup will be...

Join the team at Paton & Co

Property Sales Negotiator- Scottish Borders Paton & Co are a new and ambitious estate agency focusing on delivering exceptional property sales services for the mid to high end market across Scotland and Northumberland.  As part of our growth strategy, we are...

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